Nigerian Dating Scam

Dear Pamela,

I definitely feel for what happened to you. On a side note, it is quite interesting how your name is similar with another Pamela Stewart who wrote to me about a fraud issue a guy did to her from a dating website just like you actually.

To go back on topic though, I am terribly sorry to say that there is almost no way to find this guy and make him pay for the money. Law on the internet are not that binding just yet and we just have to deal with it for now.

I suppose it is already a dumb advice for I am sure you have cursed dating websites already but I will say it anyway to not trust online relationships especially when it has already come to an extent wherein money is already involved no matter how smooth he is or however enticing his picture or his face is, just don’t trust it.


To: Webmaster

Pamela Stewart

I had to come on here as there are no other ways to complain about
_ has happened to me !! I was on a dating site earlier got into an
online relationship, I had money taken by him too.
_ know it was my own fault but got smooth talked by some con artist,
_ supposedly living here in England, I even did a search on him, then
_ said he had to work abroad in Jan guess where the most dubious
_ Lagos!!I am writing to warn others that these criminals are out
there even
_ ..skulking& conning easy going women as I am, he had stolen a
genuine mans identity, I have been in touch with this mans wife& as I
cant find any where in my area to go this man who has his identity
stolen lives in Surrey. I have got the dating agency’s name& written
to them, also have this mans email address.& all the letters he sent
me, no good now but I wondered if anything could be done at all? I
hope I am not taking up your time .

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